2013 PSAL Tennis Singles and Doubles Tournament Nominations

by Janet Miles, PSAL Girls Tennis Commissioner & James Malhame, Acting PSAL Boys Tennis Commissioner

Posted On 04/23/2013

  • Nominations for this year’s Singles and Doubles Tournament are now being taken. All Boys and Girls Tennis Coaches should notify the proper Commissioner and provide the names, position on the team and USTA # of the singles and doubles players that they would like to nominate for the tournament. Please DO NOT SEND nominations to the commissioners as a reply to another email from the commissioners. Please compose a new email: SUBJECT: Tournament Nominations.
***Doubles Format***
  • Any Singles and/or Doubles Players not entering the Singles Tournament may enter the Doubles Tournament and play as a team in order to field the best possible teams to represent the PSAL at the Boys NYSPHSAA Tournament.
  • Girls who are playing on a boys team will be entered in the girls tournament simply by emailing the Girls Tennis Commissioner.
  • All teams may submit up to 3 singles players and 2 doubles teams.
  • Again the requirements for each student-athlete are as follows:
    • Participate in at least 50% of their team’s matches if a starter.
    • Participate in at least 30% of their team’s matches if a sub.
    • 1st singles have attained at least a 40% winning percentage.
    • 2nd singles have attained at least a 50% winning percentage.
    • 3rd singles have attained at least a 60% winning percentage.
  • At the seeding meeting, Monday, May 6, the top 8 singles players and doubles teams will be seeded directly into the main draw. Depending upon the number of nominations, the remainder of the qualified singles players and doubles teams will participate in a Qualifying Tournament on Saturday, May 11th from 8AM – 5PM. In case of rain, the make up date is Saturday, May 18th also from 8AM – 5PM. (The sites will be determined shortly.)
  • The top 8 singles players and 8 doubles teams from the qualifying tournament will move into the main draw
  • Nominations will be taken from Thursday, April 26, 2013 and end, Wednesday, May 1, 2012 at 5PM. Late entries will not be accepted. All entrants will be evaluated on their PSAL results and rankings as of Wednesday, May 1.
  • If you have any questions, please contact the appropriate commissioner.
Boys Tennis Commissioner = James Malhame:jamesmalhame@hotmail.com
Girls Tennis Commissioner = Janet Miles: janetmiles2009@gmail.com

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